Now, to be honest, I never had a thing for any of these guys -- I had never even heard of Eric Nies (THE REAL WORLD) and I didn't recognize Billy Hufsey who was on the TV series FAME years ago -- I watched it way back then and, now that I know who he is, I do remember him. Sort of. I never watched BAYWATCH so, though I'd heard of David Chokachi and Jeremy Jackson, I didn't know anything about them. Same for Jamie Walters (BEVERLY HILLS, 90210). The only two I really knew were Adrian Zmed (GREASE 2, T.J. HOOKER) and Christopher Atkins (THE BLUE LAGOON) -- and didn't know much about them.

Anyway, the premise of the show is that they've taken these 7 guys who, at one time, were teen idols and adored by many -- but who are no longer recognized, noticed or even working in showbiz -- and are trying to give them a second shot at fame. The show is hosted by Scott Baio and Jason Hervy -- both former teen idols themselves. During the course of each show, these actors meet with a "fame psychologist" and are given some sort of task, related to celebrity. For instance, one of their tasks was to walk down a street in Los Angeles which is known as a paparazzi hangout. They were to do whatever it took to get noticed and see if the photogs or people on the street remembered them. It was a mixed bag -- and some of the guys were very uncomfortable with that particular part of being famous. Other tasks have been a mixture of the ridiculous and sublime.
There's not a winner or loser on this show (that I can te

Standouts for me: Just for the squee factor (thanks, Jennifer, for that description!) is Jeremy Jackson. I'm practicing my cougar growl. The one I'm really pulling for is Adrian Zmed. Now, I know that the face people sometimes present to the world is not always their real face, but Adrian just seems like such a nice guy. And, the way I see it, anybody who worked with William Shatner and came out of it unscarred, is okay in my book.
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