The story I'm writing now (Blue) nearly threw me for a loop. I actually thought it was going to end a certain way -- though I wasn't crazy about that particular ending -- is that weird -- to not be crazy about your own ending in your own story? Anyway, I had reached a point where the voices had stopped chattering -- and I asked them, in a somewhat disappointed tone, "th-thh-that's all, folks?"
Their lack of response led me to believe it was the end -- or either they were just messing with my mind, as characters have been known to do. Eventually, they started speaking again and gave me the actual ending -- you see, these characters speak to me from hindsight. They already know everything -- and they tell me a lot of things which don't get written. I know their life stories long before my story begins, to long after the written part is finished. So, if you've read any of my work, just know, a story never really ends -- though sometimes, I know how a character dies (though it might not be a part of the original story and be far into the future). And sometimes that upsets me to no end. But, hey, it happens.
No wonder I'm slightly off-kilter.

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