Today -- and every day -- the eyes of the world turn to the United States of America. We are demonized and yet expected to fix everything. We are demonstrated against and yet people from all around the globe pour into our harbors and airports daily -- or risk life and limb to get here by any means possible. Because, with all of her faults, the United States is the shining beacon of hope to so many.
I ask that you always remember, even though the Electoral College is what determines the presidential election, that the popular vote was split between you and Senator McCain. This means that though we've been subjected to a heavily pro-Obama media which might have us believe otherwise, there are a vast number of citizens who did not vote for you. There will still be dissenters as you make your choices. Those dissenters are doing exactly what we, as US citizens, are allowed to practice -- free speech. Listen to them because sometimes you learn more from your opposition than you do from those who agree with you. Though I was one of those who did not vote for you, I am more than willing for you to be my president though there are many issues on which you and I are not likely to agree.
I ask you to acknowledge that what is wrong with this country did not only occur in the last 8 years. And that what is right did not only begin at noon today.
I was glad to see you bobble the Presidential Oath -- it showed a side of you which isn't usually seen -- and made you appear more human.
I wish you strength, health, discernment, tolerance (yes, even you need it) and, most of all, faith.
Now, we go forward -- hopefully with eyes wide open.
God Bless America.
Lynn from Georgia
P.S. I cried when President Bush got on the helicopter. Just so you know.
Great post. BTW, I cried too. Must be a Lynn(e) from Georgia thing.