There are some things which are hard to believe. That I'll be 50 in August (my head says, no way, dude! -- my body says, yep). That I have a married daughter (which means I also have a son-in-law -- which makes me a mother-in-law). That I have a son who's taller than his dad. And that my baby girl, Carrie, will be 17 years old tomorrow. Seems like only yesterday, I was in the hospital while the folks there worked valiantly to make her not come out. She was due, you see, on April 13.
She weighed 4 pounds 5 oz and was all of 17 inches long. It was several weeks before we actually brought her home -- they wanted her to be at least 5 pounds before she went out in the real world. Now, 17 years later, she's a junior in high school, plays volleyball (like her big sister) and -- another thing on the hard to believe list -- will go off to college in a year and a half.
Well, if she ever gets her driver's license.
Tomorrow is another out-of-town volleyball tournament-- which means getting up early, possibly getting home late. So, Happy Birthday, Carebear, a day early
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